The Person A collection of fields that describe a specific type of content, like a news article, a person, or an event. Site admins can add additional content types by enabling optional modules. WDS can also create custom content types for a site. is used to create directories of people for your department, program, office or center.
The People module must be enabled before you can add people.
Note that Person content items are different than Users. Users on your site refers to the people that log in to manage the site or access restricted content and are managed completely separately.
Configuring the People Module
After enabling the People Module, users with the role Site Admin can control some options. If you need to go back to see or change the options:
- Go to Manage » Configuration » System » Modules
- Click the Settings button for People
- Make any necessary changes and click Save
Using this settings form, Site Admins can:
- Control the default value used for the "Featured Image Display" field on the new person entry form.
- Disable all person detail pages and prevent them from appearing in search results. Note that people list blocks may still be configured to link the detail pages, but visitors will see a 404 Not Found page when clicking them. You should configure these list blocks to not link.
- Toggle the display of taxonomy terms associated with the person on the person detail pages (e.g. show output of Person categories for the person).
- Toggle and configure the display of related news (if News is enabled) on person detail pages. This displays a list or grid of news articles that have used the "related person" field to associate people to the news content.
- Toggle the newer version of the detail page design (not applicable to all themes).
- For sites that have the Publications module enabled, you can choose which CSL should be used when displaying selected publications on the person detail page.
Adding a Person
- Go to Manage » Content » Add Content
- Select Person
- Fill in the necessary fields
- Save (The Published checkbox can also be used to control public visibility. If unchecked, visitors to your site will not be able to view the contents.)
- After entering People, you can then show lists of People in Blocks. See the People List Block instructions.
About the Person Fields
- Name: Add First name, Middle name(s), Last name, select Generational and add Credentials. This will be used as the person's primary heading and title when viewing the person page directly.
- Bio/Description: Displayed on the person detail page, used to opitonally describe the person.
- PUID: The 9 digit number that uniquely identifies this person within the University. This can be found using Inside Princeton’s people search (you will need to log in). This number is not displayed publicly and is used to provide data integrations with other systems. If the Courses Module is enabled, entering this number will facilitate creating links from Course content to Faculty members’ pages in your website. See “Configuring the Courses Module” for more information.
- Pronouns: These pronouns will be displayed on the detail page and optionally in person list blocks.
- Position, Role, Title, and Affiliation: Use these three fields as you wish to provide additional information about this person. The information will be displayed on the person detail page.
- Start Date: This can be used to indicate when the person joined the team/department/unit/etc. There is no strict date format enforced to allow for more flexibility. For example, you may want enter this as "January 2022" or "1/20/22".
- Assistant: To add an Assistant, simply start typing the name of the assistant in this auto-complete field, and you will be presented with possible matches as you type. The assistant will be displayed on the person detail page for this person and must also have a person A individual item of content. For example, a page, a news article, and an event are all content items, which correspond to the Page, News, and Event content types, respectively. created for them.
- Phone & Fax: Be consistent in formatting (609) 258-9999
- Email: Use to display an email link on the Person's detail page and People List Blocks.
- Website: If the person has some other website associated with them that they wish to promote, list it here.
- Social Media Links: Enter links to this person's presence on various social platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. The links are displayed as icons on the detail page and optionally in the People List Block. Available in version 2.40.
- External Bio: This essentially disables the detail page for this person. Visitors that select a link to this person in a list will be redirected to the website specified in the preceding field.
- Office: List the person's office location.
- Office Hours: Allows you to set working hours for every day of the week.
- CV: Optionally upload the person's CV.
- Degrees: Used to add education/credentials (ex. Ph.D. Biochemistry, Johns Hopkins University).
- Selected Publications: Content entered here will be displayed the bio/description of the person. It's best to format the content in a list using the editor. For sites that have the Publications module enabled, two additional options are available to either manually select publications from the publications library, or automatically select recent publications authored by the person.
- Adviser(s): If any; please note that Advisees will be listed automatically where appropriate.
- Videos: Attach one or more videos from the media library for this person. If attached, the detail page for the person will include a button to play the videos in a modal window. The People List Block also has an option for including the play videos button.
On the right sidebar, you'll find additional fields:
- Featured Image: A primary image to associate with this person. It can be displayed in a number of ways on the person detail page and will also be used if this person is displayed in an People List block.
- Featured Image Display: Used to control how the image is displayed when viewing the person directly.
- Categorization: Used to categorize this person. See Content Categorization to learn about managing the available categories.
- Person Category is used to tag specific groups of people (for example, staff, faculty, directors).
- Sitewide Category is available on all standard content types and is typically used when you want to tag content items from multiple content types with the same category. For example, you may have events & news both related to a topic.
- The user-friendly path for a content item or taxonomy term that replaces the system path. For example, /my-page can be an alias for /node/123. : This allows you to control the person URL. Most times you want to let Drupal choose the automatic alias for the person, which will be based on the name of the person. However, there are times when you want to override this and provide a custom path. You can uncheck the Generate automatic URL alias box and enter your own custom URL alias. Keep custom URL aliases short but descriptive and use hyphens to separate words.
- Metatags: Refer to the documentation on SEO and Search.
- Authoring information: Contains content creator user and date/time of when the content was created.
- URL redirects: This will show you all existing redirects to this content.
- Promotion options: This is used if displaying a People List block to stick the person at the top of the list.