
The Publications feature allows the creation and listing of highly-structured bibliographic references from a broad selection of publication types.

Before you start make sure you are adhering to:

Enable the Publications A collection of features or functionality that can be enabled on sites. WDS has made several optional modules available to site administrators to enable on their site. For example, the "News" module enables the News content type and provide a News List Block for displaying news on a page.

The Publications module must be enabled before you can add publications. Please contact [email protected] to enable Publications for your site.

Adding a Publication (Reference)

From the Administration toolbar, click on the Manage button, go to Content, then Publications library, then References, and Add Reference. Alternatively, from the Content library page, you can use the Add Reference button on the References sub-tab of the Publications tab.

Screenshot of Publications tabs, showing Reference, Contributors, Keywords, Import, Export
  • On the next screen, choose your desired publication type to advance to the Create screen.
  • On the Create screen, you will have dozens of fields. For most publication types, only the title and the year of publication are required fields.
  • Some types may have additional required fields that are indicated with a red asterisk. For example, a Book requires that you fill in Publisher.
  • The Author field autocompletes with previously entered Contributors. New authors are automatically added to the system as contributors.
  • Click Save.
  • After saving, the front-end view of the individual reference page loads.
  • Publications, Contributors, and Keywords are contained within the Publications section and do not appear in the normal list of Content.

Importing Publications

If you have dozens of publications, each with over a dozen fields, it may not be practical to enter them directly into Drupal. Instead you or your organization may choose to use a reference management application, such as Endnote, or a reference database service, such as PubMed. These tools have industry-standard export formats. Importing an exported BibTeX file, for example, allows you to create an individual reference or hundreds of references automatically, with all fields intact.

From the Content, Publications library, References sub-menu, you can perform the following actions (these same actions are available on the Publications tab in the Content library page).

  • Populate Reference
    This screen allows you to paste the raw export of your bibliographic entry into a blank text field. BibTex, PubMed XML, and multiple Endnote formats are supported. Multiple entries are not supported on this screen; if you paste in multiple entries, only the first entry will populate a new reference. Clicking the Populate button takes you to the Create screen with all imported field data filled in. You must click the Save button to add a new reference.
  • PubMed lookup
    Every record in PubMed has a 1 to 8 digit number as a unique identifier. If you paste in this number and click the Populate using PubMed button, it will take you to the Create screen with fields filled in with the PubMed reference data. You must click the Save button to add a new reference. 
  • Import
    You can bulk import your entire publication library or add multiple additional entries with a single operation. Use the Choose File button to select an export file on your local system. Choose BibTeX, EndNote, or PubMed XML as the format. Then click the Import button. A progress bar will display, and then a status message back on the Import screen will let you know the number of "entities processed." You can then return to the References tab to review your newly imported references.
  • Export
    If you want to move your publications into another system, you can bulk export all references into a BibTeX or EndNote formatted file.

Displaying Publications

The Publications feature in Princeton Site Builder does not create a "Publications" page by default. Instead you create a blank Page and then use Layout Builder to add the Publications List Block.

Publication Dates

References in Site Builder have two date fields – a Publication Year field, with a 4-digit year format, and a Date Published field, with a month/year format. According to the standard Citation Style Language (CSL) specification, the Publication Year corresponds to the date the publication was issued. The Date Published field corresponds to the original date of publication, such as the original edition of a textbook. This is why some CSL formats, like Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date, display the original date in parentheses next to the issued date.

Unfortunately, the Bibliography & Citation (Bibcite) module for Drupal does not include a month-part or a day-part for the issued date even though the CSL standard supports it. WDS plans to work with the maintainers of the Bibcite module to rework the Publication Year field so that it can also display month and/or day of publication in CSLs that display those date parts.

The Date Published field is not intended as more granular sort option. Instead, the Publications List Block in Site Builder has the Created Date as a secondary sort option, which works best when Publication Year is the primary sort option and entries are grouped by year. Site Builder authors can fine tune the sort by changing the created date from the actual date and time that the content was first entered.

Managing Contributors and Keywords

You can manually add contributors and keywords before you add a related publication, but most often you will be indirectly creating these related entities when adding or importing publications. The data entry for these publications may have been inconsistent or imperfect, and you may end up, for example, with three contributors with the same name or similar names. You might also have two copies of the same keyword with a different case. Because publications can be filtered by contributor or keyword, clicking on J.L. Picard, for example, might not bring up the publications for J. Picard.

When merging contributors or keywords, you will have a merge source and merge target. You can use the Merge tab to merge one record at a time, or use the Action menu to merge multiple items at once. You cannot merge an item into itself, so if you are merging three items, you have to choose two items as the merge source and one item as the merge target.

The edit screen for each contributor or keyword has a Merge tab with an autocomplete field. However, if more than one contributor has the same display name, choosing the correct item to merge into can be a guessing game. Instead, hover over or activate the Edit button for each of the contributors or keywords to take note of their A piece of data within a Drupal site. Nodes, users, comments, and taxonomy are all entities. Additionally, with custom code, developers can create new entity types when needed. For example, the Bibcite module which powers the Publications feature creates entities for references, contributors, and keywords. IDs from the edit screen URLs. In this example, we want to merge two "J. Picard" items into a third "J. Picard" item, with the entity ID 391.

Screenshot of the admin list of contributors with the ID 391 highlighted

We can individually edit the other two instances of the J. Picard item, and use the autocomplete field to merge each one into the last J. Picard item (the one with entity ID 391). If you choose the wrong one, try again until you see the correct entity ID in parentheses. Then click the Merge button, then Confirm. Repeat as many times as needed.

Screenshot of Merge tab with the merge target autocomplete filled with entity ID 391

You can also merge multiple Contributors or Keywords at once via the Action menu at the bottom of the admin page. However, you still have to specify a merge target. If the target destination is important, take note of the entity ID, as explained above, before performing the merge operation. In the example from the next screenshot, we are planning to merge three J. Picard records into a Jean-Luc Picard record.

Screenshot of merge contributor action menu

If you delete a contributor, the system will not provide you with an opportunity to merge. The system will just ask for confirmation. If you then delete the contributor, the related publication(s) will no longer have that author listed. 

Keywords only have a single field value. Contributors, have additional values beyond the Full Name (display name). The Full Name will appear with the publication, and additional values, such as Prefix, Middle name, Nickname, Suffix will display as individual fields on the Contributor detail page.

Configuration (Site Admins)

Those with the Site Admin role have some limited configuration options for Publications.

Accessed from the Admin Toolbar, the Structure, Publications, References page has one sub-tab — Links. Under the Links tab, the list of reference links can be enabled or disabled and re-ordered.

  • The generated Google Scholar link performs a Google Scholar search, based on the publication title. If most of your publications are not in Google Scholar, such as a list of books, you may want to disable this link.
  • The PubMed link only appears if a PubMed ID (PMID) is set for an individual publication. If you are not using PubMed at all, you can ignore this link setting.
  • The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) link only appears if a DOI is set for a publication. It uses the service at to resolve to the official URL for the publication reference.
  • The rest of the reference links allow a site visitor to download a citation export file for an individual publication. The default enabled formats include BibTeX, EndNote, and PubMed XML.

Site Admins can also visit the module configuration page for Publications by visiting Configuration > System > Modules from the admin toolbar. Here, you can toggle the display of keywords and taxonomy terms on the reference detail pages.

Known Issues

  1. BibTex entries that use quotation marks as the delimiters surrounding each value are incorrectly parsed when populating a reference or importing a BibTeX file. Incorrectly parsed entries will add quotes before and after the reference Title, and it will add multiple quotation marks before and after each author. The workaround, for now, is to replace the quotation marks for each value with a curly bracket.
  2. Each contributor can be assigned a category and a role — for example, "secondary editor." However, Bibcite lacks consistency with how it handles these additional values. More research will be required before we can recommend a workaround for this issue.
  3. Some BibTeX entry types exported from Biblio, such as @webarticle and @inproceedings are not correctly mapped to Bibcite reference types. The workaround, for now, is to manually create a reference with the desired reference type.
  4. The Publication Year field is currently used for the standard Issued Date field, and it is limited to a 4-digit year format. This does not allow for months or days to display in the bibliographic citations.