The Resource Links A collection of fields that describe a specific type of content, like a news article, a person, or an event. Site admins can add additional content types by enabling optional modules. WDS can also create custom content types for a site. is useful if you have a number of external links or files that need to be categorized and displayed in lists throughout your website. If you are just displaying a single list of links on a page, it's much easier and more practical to just add the list to the body of a Page instead of using this content type.
The Resource Links module must be enabled before you can add resource links.
Adding a Resource Link
In the main area of the form on the left, you'll find some important fields to fill out:
- Title: Use for the name of your resource link.
- Body: Provide a description of this resource.
- Summary: This field is hidden by default (click "Edit summary" to reveal). The summary is used to provide a brief overview of the event. It will be displayed in Resource Links List blocks that are displayed on landing pages.
- Link or Document: A resource link can represent a link to some other website, or a document that you upload to your site, but not both.
On the right sidebar, you'll find additional fields:
- Featured Image: A primary image to associate with this resource link. It can be displayed in a number of ways on the resource link detail page and will also be used if this resource link is displayed in a Resource Links List block.
- Categorization: Used to categorize your resource links. See Content Categorization learn about managing the available categories. These categories are used when creating Resource Links List blocks on your site.
- The user-friendly path for a content item or taxonomy term that replaces the system path. For example, /my-page can be an alias for /node/123. : This allows you to control the resource link detail page URL. Most times you want to let Drupal choose the alias automatically, which will be based on the title of the resource link. However, there are times when you want to override this and provide a custom path. You can uncheck the Generate automatic URL alias box and enter your own custom URL alias. Keep custom URL aliases short but descriptive and use hyphens to separate words.
- Authoring information: Contains content creator user and date/time of when the content was created.
- URL redirects: This will show you all existing redirects to this content.
- Promotion options: This is used if displaying a Resource Links List block to stick the resource link at the top of the list.
Use the Save button at the bottom of the form to save the resource link. The Published checkbox can also be used to control public visibility. If unchecked, visitors to your site will not be able to view the contents.
Configuring the Resource Links Module
Users with the role "site admin" can control some options the people module. Visit Configuration » System » Modules and click the settings button for Resource Links.
Using this settings form, site admins can:
- Disable all resource link detail pages and prevent them from appearing in search results. Note that resource link list blocks may still be configured to link the detail pages, but visitors will see a 404 Not Found page when clicking them. You should configure these list blocks to not link.