Organizing your content
Using the taxonomy system is a useful way to categorize and organize how content displays on your site. Terms are organized into groups called Vocabularies. For example, a Vocabulary called “Fruit” would contain the Terms “Apple” and “Banana.” You may see taxonomy vocabularies and taxonomy terms referred to as categories throughout the administrative interface on your site, but they refer to the same concept.
By default, each A collection of fields that describe a specific type of content, like a news article, a person, or an event. Site admins can add additional content types by enabling optional modules. WDS can also create custom content types for a site.
has at least one Vocabulary. For example, the Event content type comes with a Vocabulary named "Event Category". Your Content Types may also share a universal "Sitewide Category" so you can display various types of content (News, Events, People) with a common category.
WDS may have customized your site to add additional vocabularies to the standard content types.
Since taxonomy structure is important to the overall site structure, only users with an elevated user role in Princeton Site Builder can add or edit Taxonomy Terms and Vocabularies. See User & Roles for more information.
How to create taxonomy terms