Scheduling Options

You can enter and edit news and/or events ahead of time and schedule your content for publishing on a specific date and time.  


  • Events and News can be scheduled to publish in 15-minute increments.
  • The event or news may not be published for up to several minutes after the scheduled date.

Schedule news and events for publishing

  1. From the Admin toolbar, click Manage
  2. Click Content
  3. From the content dashboard, search your event in the Title field or filter by A collection of fields that describe a specific type of content, like a news article, a person, or an event. Site admins can add additional content types by enabling optional modules. WDS can also create custom content types for a site. .
  4. Click Edit next to the event you are editing
  5. On the detail page, click Scheduling Options
  6. Click the arrow to select date and time from the Publish on box.  Leave the date blank for no scheduled publishing. Events may take several minutes to publish after this date and time.
  7. Click Save

Manage scheduled news and events 

  1. From the Admin toolbar, click Manage
  2. Click Content
  3. From the content dashboard, click Scheduled
  4. Click Edit button next to the content you are editing.
  5. Make updates to Scheduling Options
  6. Click Save