Course Offerings by Term List Block

Requires the Courses A collection of features or functionality that can be enabled on sites. WDS has made several optional modules available to site administrators to enable on their site. For example, the "News" module enables the News content type and provide a News List Block for displaying news on a page.

The courses module must first be enabled on your site and you must import courses before using this block.


This Course Offerings by Term List block displays a list of courses offered in a particular term. The courses displayed are the same as those from the Registrar Course Offerings website.

This block differs from from Course Catalog List Block which displays courses from the course catalog. The course catalog doesn't include courses from a specific term, but instead includes courses a subject area may offer.

Unlike the Course Catalog List block, you must first import courses into your website before displaying them using this block.

Basic Options

As with all blocks, the title field is displayed as a heading above the course list. You can optionally hide this title from displaying if the title doesn't make sense to display visually.

Source of content
As with all content list blocks, you can choose to have the list of courses populated automatically based on various filters you specify, or populated manually by providing the list of courses.

When choosing Choose each A individual item of content. For example, a page, a news article, and an event are all content items, which correspond to the Page, News, and Event content types, respectively. manually, you have complete control over what specific courses are displayed and in what order. You can input courses manually by typing their 3 letter subject code (e.g. COS, MAT, LAS) followed by their 3 digit catalog number, separating each course with a comma or new line. You can enter the data using either the primary subject affiliation for a course or any of the crosslisted associations, it doesn't matter.

Choosing courses individually is a popular approach for programs or centers that may wish display a listing of courses from many different subjects.

Field Options

Use these check-boxes and related options to control what data is output for each course. Most options are self explanatory.

If choosing to link courses, there are three choices to control the linking behavior:

  1. Local detail page: This will link the course directly to the detail page on your site.
  2. Registrar: Link directly to the Registrar's detail page for the course, which has much more information about the course.
  3. Course website if exists, or Registrar: Some courses have a course website defined by the instructor. If provided, the course will link to this website. If not, it falls back to linking to the Registrar detail page.

If choosing to display and link course instructors, there are also many options to choose from:

  1. No link: Simply display the instructor name.
  2. Local person page: If you have the People module enabled, you can link the instructor directly to the local person detail page if you created one. To enable this behavior, you must manually input the instructors PUID when editing the person content item on your site. You can find this PUID by editing the instructor from the Course Instructor Used primarily for categorizing content, a vocabulary defines a specific grouping of taxonomy terms. Some default vocabularies exist on all sites, but WDS can create custom vocabularies if needed. Synonymous with categories. . It will be displayed on the form so you can copy it.
  3. Website: You can optionally provide a website for the instructor by editing their A term is an individual item that belongs to some taxonomy vocabulary, typically used for categorizing content. For example, a vocabulary "Colors" may have terms in it "Red", "Green", "Blue". from the Course Instructor vocabulary. If provided, this will link directly to that website.
  4. Local person page, or website: Links to the local person page (if exists), otherwise to the instructor website (if provided)
  5. Website, or local person page: Links to the instructor website (if provided), or to the local person page (if exists).

Display Options

Control how the list of courses displays on the page, with choices of a standard vertical listing or a customizable grid.

"View All" Link

If you are displaying courses in a short teaser view somewhere (perhaps you have a landing page that displays just a few featured courses), you can provided a stylized "view all" link to make it easy for visitors to view a full page listing of courses you created.


There are three options for sorting courses:

Simply sort alphabetically by the course title.

Subject/catnum (based on primary)
Sort first by the 3 letter subject code, and then by the 3 number catalog number. For courses that have multiple subject associations, this sort only looks at the primary subject association for the course. This is how courses are sorted on the Registrar's course offerings results.

The following two GEO courses would be sorted as such:

  1. ENV 354 / GEO 368 - Climate and Weather: Order in the Chaos
  2. GEO 103 - Natural Disasters

Subject/catnum (based on filtered subj)
Sort first by the 3 letter subject code, and then by the 3 number catalog number. For courses that have multiple subject associations, this sort looks at the subject that you filter on (see Filters section below). As such, this option is only useful if you are showing a listing of all courses for a single subject (including crosslistings), but you want the courses ordered by catalog number of that single subject.

The following two GEO courses would be sorted as such, assuming that GEO is selected as a filtered subject to display:

  1. GEO 103 - Natural Disasters
  2. ENV 354 / GEO 368 - Climate and Weather: Order in the Chaos


Options related to how many courses to display in the block.


Control if you want to display undergraduate courses only, graduate courses only, or both.

Select one or more subjects to filter by. Crosslistings from the selected subjects are automatically included. Only subjects associated with courses that have been imported are available for selection. If using the Subject/catnum (based on filtered subj) sort option, you must choose just one subject here.

Course Term
Select one or more course term to filter by. The "latest available" term is the most recently published term from the Registrar, mirroring what's available on Registrar's course offerings search. You can optionally expose this filter to your visitors, allowing them to choose the term. When doing this, you can limit the set of terms visitors can choose from by selecting them in the block configuration.

You can use the Use selected term as block title checkbox to automatically have the block title set to the selected course term. This is most useful when paired with the "Latest available" course term option. For example, using these two options together may set the block title to Fall 2021 if that's the most recent term available.

Taxonomy Vocabularies
Any taxonomy vocabularies associated with courses are available for display as well, including Course Instructor. You can optionally expose these filters to your visitors, allowing them to choose how to filter. When doing this, you can limit the set of terms visitors can choose from by selecting them in the block configuration.

If this block is added to a taxonomy term detail page (available in a future release), the Automatically filter by taxonomy term being viewed checkbox can be used to display courses tagged with the taxonomy term being viewed.