Glossary List Block

Requires the Glossary A collection of features or functionality that can be enabled on sites. WDS has made several optional modules available to site administrators to enable on their site. For example, the "News" module enables the News content type and provide a News List Block for displaying news on a page.

This block is only available on sites that have enabled the option Glossary module.

The glossary list block is used to display a list of glossary terms and their definitions along with links to filter the result by letter.

In the example below, the glossary Used primarily for categorizing content, a vocabulary defines a specific grouping of taxonomy terms. Some default vocabularies exist on all sites, but WDS can create custom vocabularies if needed. Synonymous with categories. has been populate with three different fruit and a brief description. The list block shows the fruit and their definitions organized by letter.

The block does not have any configuration options at this time, other than the default options that are available to all blocks.

Glossary list block example