Taxonomy Terms List Block

The Taxonomy Terms List block allows you to display a list of taxonomy terms from a specific vocabulary as links.


  • Output all taxonomy terms from a specific vocabulary in a list as links.
  • Only taxonomy terms that are associated with at least one A individual item of content. For example, a page, a news article, and an event are all content items, which correspond to the Page, News, and Event content types, respectively. are shown.
  • Automatically excludes any taxonomy terms that don't have any content items associated with them.
  • Choose between two options for what the links do:
    • Take user to the A term is an individual item that belongs to some taxonomy vocabulary, typically used for categorizing content. For example, a vocabulary "Colors" may have terms in it "Red", "Green", "Blue". detail page (which displays a list of content that has associated with that term).
    • Reload the current page and filter any content list blocks (e.g. News List) by the clicked term.
  • If the selected vocabulary has been organized into a hierarchy (so that there are parent and child terms):
    • Choose to flatten the hierarchy into one list or output the hierarchy as nested lists.
    • Choose how "deep" in the hierarchy to display terms (e.g. only show parent terms by selecting "1" for Depth).
    • Display only children of a specific parent term.

Linking Method Explained

The block configuration form has a setting to control how the links for each taxonomy term are generated:

Linking method form field showing the three available options

When configuring this block with linking method Link to the taxonomy term page, visitors are taken to the taxonomy term detail page for the term that was clicked. This page displays a simple list of all content items on your site that are tagged with the term. In a future update, site builders will be able to enhance their taxonomy term detail pages to provide more control over how this list appears.

When configuring this block with linking method Reload current page and filter content list blocks using the clicked term, you must also add a separate content list block to the same page. For example, you could add a 75/25 section to a Page. Place a News List block in the larger region and this Taxonomy Terms List block in the smaller region. Assuming you utilize the News Category taxonomy, this block setup allows your visitors to filter the results of the news listings by the clicked taxonomy term. Note that an alternative to this method is to instead just expose the News Category filter on the News List block to your visitors. They both have the same result, but achieved differently.

For sites with the News module enabled, a third option is available called Link to the RSS feed for the term. This option is only relevant when showing links for a Used primarily for categorizing content, a vocabulary defines a specific grouping of taxonomy terms. Some default vocabularies exist on all sites, but WDS can create custom vocabularies if needed. Synonymous with categories. associated with the news A collection of fields that describe a specific type of content, like a news article, a person, or an event. Site admins can add additional content types by enabling optional modules. WDS can also create custom content types for a site. (like the News Category vocabulary). Read more about news RSS feeds to learn how this option may be used.