Glossary Module

The glossary A collection of features or functionality that can be enabled on sites. WDS has made several optional modules available to site administrators to enable on their site. For example, the "News" module enables the News content type and provide a News List Block for displaying news on a page. can be used to create a glossary of words and their definitions. When that word is used throughout the site (for example, in the body of a page), the word is styled with bold text and an info icon is added next to it. Hovering over or clicking the word will reveal the definition of the word in a tool-tip.


After enabling this module, a Glossary Used primarily for categorizing content, a vocabulary defines a specific grouping of taxonomy terms. Some default vocabularies exist on all sites, but WDS can create custom vocabularies if needed. Synonymous with categories. is created which can be used for storing the terms and their definitions. It's also possible to change vocabulary that is used using the module settings form which is available on the modules page after enabling it:

Glossary module configuration form showing the option to change the vocabulary


To add a glossary term, visit the taxonomy term management page to add a term to the Glossary vocabulary. The description field is used as the definition.

Note that at this time, HTML that's added to the definition is stripped out from the tool-tip.

After terms have been added, their usage throughout the site will trigger the tool-tip behavior. This is limited to the body field of content types and text blocks.

In the screenshot below, you can see a tool-tip being activated, showing the definition:

Glossary usage example showing a tool-tip for a glossary term being activated

Glossary List Block

This module also provides the Glossary List Block which can be used to output all of the terms and their definitions, sorted alphabetically and grouped by first letter.