#210: The "browse available tokens" link has been removed from the metatags section of content forms as it was not useful.
#530: The default "none" option has been removed from the A term is an individual item that belongs to some taxonomy vocabulary, typically used for categorizing content. For example, a vocabulary "Colors" may have terms in it "Red", "Green", "Blue".
form widget on content entry forms. This value was confusing because was not removed when selecting terms from the widget.
#564: When adding a link using the WYSIWYG text editor, the autocomplete results list now includes the path of the page instead of the date it was last updated. This makes it easier to identify the correct page you're linking to.
#734: Newly uploaded documents are no longer stored in a directory based on the year and month they were uploaded. This was done to prevent confusion when replacements are uploaded for old documents, as the year and month in the path would no longer be accurate.
#758: Fixed issue where alerts could sometimes display in the back-end admin interface.
#937: The default styling of exposed filters for content list blocks (News List, Events List, etc) has been improved. The filters may now also stack vertically instead of horizontally if many filters are added.
#985: Fixed an issue where the check-boxes for WDS-created custom content types appeared on the settings page for Share, Print, and Email. These links must be enabled for custom content types in a different way by WDS staff.
#1073: Increase the maximum document file size from 10MB to 30MB
#1098: Increased the number of related news articles that show on a person detail page from 4 to 6 when configured to use the "grid with images" display setting.
#1108: Minor design enhancements and fixes for the Tiger theme, including:
Removed gray background from breadcrumb trail.
Fixed bug where the admin toolbar menu fell below the sticky main menu.
Fixed bug where floated images overflowed the accordion container.
#1111: Resolved several styling issues with the header and mobile menu when the dark flavor of Tiger is used.
#1126: Fixed an issue where content lists on taxonomy term detail pages could display outdated content.