Site Administration & Platform

Web Development Concept

Front-end vs. Back-end

In web development, the terms front-end and back-end refer to the separation of the "presentation" or visual layer (the "front-end") of your website from the "data" (content) and application layers (or "back-end") of your site.

In Princeton Site Builder, you can "administer" or configure portions of the front-end such as layout and theme settings as well as manage your content and administer site configurations such as user role access and managing modules on the back-end.

Whether you are managing your front-end or your back-end, you will always begin by logging in to your website.

Users & Roles

Manage access control with user roles.

Site Search

All sites come with a basic search engine that allows your visitors to quickly find content based on keywords.

What Content Is Indexed?

At a high level, a search index is a mapping of keywords to content items. When your site indexes a A individual item of content. For example, a page, a news article, and an event are all content items, which correspond to the Page, News, and Event content types, respectively. , it scans its content to create this index, so that when a visitor searches for a…

Testing Environment

Use the Test/QA environment to explore features.

Logging In/Out

Authorized users can log in to your website using their Princeton credentials.

Basic settings

Configure the basic settings for your website.


Learn how content on your site is cached for visitors.

Error pages

Customize your 403 and 404 error pages.

Google Analytics

Track user interaction and collect basic data from your website.


Link to the documentation or submit a request right from your admin toolbar.

Maintenance Mode

Block your website from public view during periods of website development, redesign or emergency outages.

Platform Maintenance

WDS is continually improving Princeton Site Builder and typically releases new minor versions of the platform monthly in the middle of the month. If you’d like to propose an improvement to the system or report a bug, 


Redirect a page to another page within your website or external site.